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5 Ways To Motivate Your Winter Swimming Session

Keeping motivated in the colder months can be a challenge. Many associate swimming with the summer as a way to cool off on a warm and sunny day, but when the autumn-winter season comes around and it turns cold and dark, and the Christmas temptations are around every corner, it becomes more of a challenge.

 At Simply Swim we keep ourselves motivated with 5 simple steps.

  1. Routine

It’s easy to put off your swim until tomorrow, but having a routine for your sessions will help you to plan your sets, get your swimwear, goggles and equipment ready, and build your motivation.

Whether you plan for a 15, 30 or 60-minute session it all counts. On days you have particularly low motivation, just turning up can be a huge win. Set yourself small, achievable goals for each of your planned swim days to make your routine exciting!

  1. Accessories 

Knowing we have a warm towel or dryrobe to slide into after our swim is a huge bonus. The initial chill of the air temperature hitting your skin can be a bit of a put-off but hopping out of the pool and wrapping up in a towel or robe to dry off can actually be something to 

look forward to.

Another winter essential is pool shoes. Something to slip on to keep your feet off of the cold concrete floor, providing some well-needed insulation. Taking the edge off of the cold flooring will aid in keeping you warmer.

This applies to both indoor and open-water swimming. With open-water swimming, having something to protect you from the elements while you dry off and change can be a game-changer!

  1. Buddy up

Every workout is better with a friend, someone to encourage you on days you are feeling less than motivated. Whether you make this a regular opportunity to meet a friend and swim or just as an extra push when you need it, having someone to bounce off of gives you that extra push when you need it.

Looking for something more competitive? Try a swim club, triathlon or swim-fit class and enjoy the team dynamic and social side of competitive swimming. There are even advanced adult group swimming lessons for swimmers looking to advance their skills and develop their strokes in a group environment whilst under the instruction of a professional swimming instructor.

  1. Break up your day

Avoid cold dark mornings and evenings by heading to the pool. Try a heated lido on your lunch break for a dip in the warm water and open air, or hide from the darkness in your local pool before sunrise or after sunset. 

Using swimming as a way to break up your day and take a step away from the usual day-to-day chores can help increase your motivation over the winter, encouraging a positive work-life balance and boosting your overall mood with some exercise. 

  1. Reward your efforts!

No matter the time of day you choose to swim you can reward yourself for making the effort. Having small rewards to look forward to after your session will go a long way to boosting your motivation. 

Whether you are looking forward to the long hot shower after your swim, a hot drink on your way out of your local pool, getting into your comfies after an evening swim or setting a distance target before buying your new swimwear… choose whatever it is that will push you to go ahead with your planned swim and enjoy the reward.